
Growing Big and Strong!

Life is continuing in the Mauer household, many times still in a state of chaos--luckily we seem to either be getting used to the craziness of life or it's lessening! I don't even remember what it's like to exist without a little person depending on us--Brennan's a great addition to our life and definitely makes each day an adventure!!

Brennan had his two month check-up this past Monday--he's growing up big and strong! He is now 12 pounds, 13 ounces and 23 3/4 inches long. He is extremely alert and notices pretty much everything going on--he loves to look around and provides lots of big smiles! It's fun to see how simple things (usually inanimate objects) make him so happy!

He's figured out that his hands cause a reaction, so has been very interested in hitting his toys so they fall over or make noises.

Basically it's fun to see him interact with the world around him--who knew such simple things could become so all-consuming and that these things would captivate us so much each and every day!

I haven't uploaded many new pictures recently, i'll post two from Brennan's first soccer experience last weekend (he got to come to the 2008 Kindergarten Jamboree for my job)!

Hopefully newer pictures will come soon!

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